Drop Off Center ministry

STEP 1: Pray! Is this ministry for you?


STEP 2: Key leadership position is the Drop Off Team Leader (DOTL). This person would go through a selection process which includes submitting an application (see QR code), being interviewed, and providing three references.


STEP 3: If approved, the DOTL will become a part of the area team working directly with Central Arkansas.


STEP 4: Some of the assigned duties for the DOTL are:

               a. Attend monthly meetings and training.

               b. Recruit and train volunteers to serve with them during collection week.

STEP 5: The DOTL will ensure Christ Church will be open a minimum of two hours per day during the Collection Week (November 18-25).


To access the application for the Drop Off Team Leader position, use the QR code above or this link: 


For more information, contact Stacy Wetherington:

Email: Occ.stacy1@gmail.com
Mobile: 501-658-6106