40 Days for Life!

From Sean Carney

40 Days for Life calls on people of faith to seek repentance for ourselves and our nations for the sin of abortion through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil.

As the political climate changes in the United States, we have already seen the following changes from our pro-abortion government:

40 Days for Life calls on people of faith to seek repentance for ourselves and our nations for the sin of abortion through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil.As the political climate changes in the United States, we have already seen the following changes from our pro-abortion government:
  • America is preparing to once again fund abortion in developing nations

  • Legislators are already drafting legislation to increase abortions

  • Attacks on free speech from government and big tech are growing

In my new op-ed in the Washington Examiner, I share how many of the pro-life movement's greatest victories occurred during abortion extremist administrations.

Check it out at:
