Select the link above for your device!

Download the app today. Our app gives you:

1. Real-time prayer requests, updates, and special event information. 

2. Links to register for special events and childcare.

3. Quick access to Sunday morning and Wednesday evening teaching podcasts.

4. Requesting an appointment at Grace Counseling Clinic.

5. Access to our online giving portal.

step-by-step guide to downloading our app

STEP 1: Select the icon above that represents your device        (Apple iPhone or Android).

STEP 2: Select the link for Church by MinistryOne. It has the    purple heart by Ministry Brands. 

STEP 3: At the Find Your Church page, type in Christ Church    of Central Arkansas and select this option at the bottom.

STEP 4: Select to allow notifications.

STEP 5: Create an account with password and PIN.